Bank Signs by Holiday Signs
Banks have long realized that their brand image is an important reflection of their leadership and stability in the marketplace. Bank signs were some of the first to feature time and temperature units or stock readers that made them icons in their local communities. You could trust the bank you set your watch by.
Today, image is just as important as Americans switch banks more often and have a wider variety to choose from. According to a recent study by J.D. Power & Associates, 8.7% of Americans polled switched banks in 2011, up from 7.7% in 2010. The same study showed that they also were considering more banks than in years prior. Even more telling is that more than half of the respondents who purchased an additional banking product did so at a bank other than their primary bank.
“The increased switching rate indicates more consumers are coming into the market, providing more opportunities for banks to acquire new customers. These customers appear to be more discriminating and diligent when selecting a new bank.”
~ Rockwell Clancy, VP/financial services at J.D. Power & Associates
According to the study, for customers evaluating and ultimately selecting a new bank, the most important factors driving their decision are: advertising, branch convenience, products/services, promotional offers, customer experiences, past personal interactions, recommendations and bank reputation. Surprisingly, pricing – fees and interest rates – carried very little weight as a factor influencing which institution was chosen.
As you can see in the graphic above, Brand Image and Advertising comprised over 50% of the drivers in two key stages of the decision making process. In a crowded marketplace with today’s economy and financial climate, consumers are looking for financial institutions they can trust.
A May 2013 report by the John Ryan group found that the adoption of digital signage is skyrocketing with nearly 60% of respondents already having a digital signage program and another 20% looking to implement one in the next 24 months. Where banks have previously used low risk projects to evaluate digital signage, their measurable returns have encouraged banks to invest far more heavily in digital messaging.
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In today’s climate of caution it is imperative that your institution convey an image of respectability and stability at every opportunity. Our high quality banking signage puts your best foot forward and helps you stand out in an increasingly cluttered financial marketplace.
From the parking lot to the lobby, Holiday Signs has you covered. Exterior Signage, ATM surrounds and kiosks, wayfinding/directional signage, promotional banners, door vinyls, and even name tags and restroom signs … We are your one stop shop for professional branding with the best in project management, service and support. Contact us to find out how Holiday Signs can improve your business with sign language.