Church Signs- Part 1, Using Digital Messaging to Drive Visitors to Events


Electronic Message Center Case Study: New Life Community Church

Adding to the Flock

“Our electronic message sign has driven lots of people in for events,” said Jeff Benz, the Worship Pastor at New Life Community Church in Louisa, Virginia.

New Life Community Church is a customer of Holiday Signs and has been using their sign to attract visitors and new members for many years now.  Jeff said it’s been out on the main road doing its job since before the big earthquake of 2011.

Survived A Big Shake Up

“We were having a meeting in the conference room when all of a sudden people on both sides of the table were going up and down like a see-saw,” Jeff told me as he remembered the magnitude 5.8 quake with its epicenter in Louisa County only a few miles away.  I noticed the sign is still in great shape and told Jeff that our signs are always built tough and able to withstand even a few earthquakes now and then.

The Only Advertising They Need

Jeff told me visitors stop in all the time as a result of the sign.

“We use it for advertising all our events and could forego all other advertising if we wanted because the sign is so effective,” he 

The current sign has a box cabinet on top with the church brand that lights up at night. Under the top sign is a 2-sided monochrome Daktronics digital display. Both signs are installed on two brick columns that raise the viewing angle above the level of the inclined roadway for optimal attention.

The church has grown over the past several years so Jeff and his staff may contemplate moving in the future, leaving them options to either take the sign with them or add it to the potential real estate value should they decide to sell.  Depending on whether a new tenant would want the sign, Jeff said they would strongly consider upgrading to a full-color display at the new site, making an even brighter way to highlight events. 






Click Here to See Other Church Sign Ideas


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