Electronic Message Centers from Holiday Signs

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An Electronic Message Center from Holiday Signs is one of the most effective and flexible advertising methods available. Businesses often select their advertising medium and message based on cost per thousand exposures of their message to the public. On this basis, no other form of advertising comes close to matching the efficiency of an electronic message display.

Compare the National Averages:

Medium Cost per 1,000 (National Average)
Newspaper $7.39
Radio $5.47
Television $6.26
LED Message Board $0.15

How does an electronic message center deliver such great value? Assume, as an example, that a business spent $30,000 on a new Electronic Message Center and that it has a useful life of 10 years. The amortized daily cost of this sign is $8.21 a day. New LED units are so power efficient that we only need to add $0.20 a day for running costs giving your business a daily message center expense of $8.41. If your location has 20,000 cars passing every day, your cost per 1,000 exposures is only $0.41 (counting drivers only!). The only form of advertising that’s more effective is word of mouth!


Other advantages of EMC’s

  • An unlimited number of message changes without the labor and physical challenges associated with copy changes on traditional reader boards.
  • Variable messages that allow you the flexibility to communicate timely information as well as public service information or other items of public interest.
  • These signs can quickly “brand” your business site in the community.
  • EMC’s act as your “Salesman on the Street” attracting new customers to your business location.
  • Allows you to market your services in you immediate trade area preventing wasteful advertising expenditures.


Learn more

Interested in learning more about what an Electronic Message Center can do for your business? Request our free whitepaper, “The ABC’s of EMC’s” to learn more about the single most effective advertising for your business. To learn more about the technology behind an EMC, check out “Electronic Message Centers 101” for a quick overview.

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