The above chart shows the primary drivers of digital sign cost.
How much do digital signs cost? Dave Elmore, owner of Bookkeeping and Management Systems in Central Virginia, says he has over 300 business clients and not a single one has a line item for signage. Similarly most of our customers have foggy ideas about budgeting for electric signs, especially signs with high-tech electronic message centers, so we tend to put quotation marks around the word “budget” when approaching the subject.
To determine sign budgets, sign buyers need to answer: “What type of sign is needed to project our positive image and broadcast ongoing messages that people will see and read?” From this starting point, sign specifications are worked out and the word “budget” begins to lose its quotation marks advancing toward real numbers.
To get started in figuring out sign project cost, customers need help with answering five basic questions pertaining to designing signs with message centers:
1) What is your desired image?
2) Will you use images/graphics/or just text?
3) What fits best with the building & neighborhood?
4) What size should it be, determined by viewing distance & sight lines?
5) What type of communication technology do you want?
These are the variables that drive price and, once determined, can get you close to what a new electronic sign should cost. Then you can budget for it…READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE ABOUT BUDGETING FOR DIGITAL SIGNS