What is I-Appeal & How Can You Get It?




Have you ever driven down the road, passed a large building and wondered what it was? It happened to me just last week on Interstate 81 near Strasburg, Virginia. I passed a large industrial type building that was occupied and doing business, but was unmarked to the public. I’m still not sure what it’s all about.

There are many such big, blank buildings across Virginia and North Carolina that could make a huge impact on a company’s brand awareness. Unbranded on the outside, many important organizations are conducting noteworthy activities within their unmarked walls. Yet their good names go unnoticed to tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of eyeballs every day passing by on adjoining interstate highways, which I’ve termed I-APPEAL, relating “eye” to the “I” in Interstate.

Here are a few examples of big blank buildings you can see off Interstate 64 in Waynesboro,VA; Interstate 85 in Henderson, NC; and Interstate 581 in Roanoke, VA. Our designer, Chris Murphey, produced sketches of how branding signage can improve localized and regional brand visibility, creating millions of good impressions annually. These represent just three of the many players within the manufacturing and healthcare industries of Virginia and North Carolina. Do you know of others where new signage could add value by identifying and promoting the tenant’s brand to the often forgotten, yet vitally important drive-by market? 

PGI- View from I-64 002

This building of the Polymer Group, Inc. of Waynesboro, VA is right on the edge of Interstate 64 and visible to tens of thousands of travelers passing in both directions. It also faces a heavily-traveled highway through Waynesboro’s retail district with lots of daily traffic. Below is a conceptual drawing of the same wall with graphics.

PGI Sketch


Maria Parham 2 005

Executives at Maria Parham Medical Center, Henderson, NC, realized the marketing potential of their main tower building visible from I-85 as we prepared a conceptual sketch of how branding the tower could help with their I-appeal, below.



carilion high rise windows 002

Facilities and marketing professionals within Carilion’s healthcare group in Roanoke approached us about the opportunity of branding their huge glass front occupied by a children’s clinic seeking exposure from the adjacent interstate highway and nearby historic downtown. The conceptual sketch below is one way to increase “I-appeal” with applied vinyl graphics or customized electric signage installed high above town.


If you liked this blog story, here’s another similar one:

Retailer Utilizing On-Premise Digital Signage with I-Appeal