


You own and operate a store or two in Virginia. One of your toughest challenges is developing a steady flow of customers year round. You’re hoping your newly restructured marketing mix does the job in getting more bodies into the aisles.

Your radio advertising’s morning drive campaign just broadcast two 30-second ads. One of the employees caught the end of one on her way into work.

In a Facebook post, your friend’s wife mentioned she saw your newspaper ad for the first time on the back of one of her coupons. It’s been running six months. As you were responding to her post you happened to see one of those banner ads you run for your store on the side bar.

An older couple from church called to say they enjoyed your 60-second TV ad they saw a few times last month after the 11 o’ clock news. They thought it was cute.

Word of mouth awareness about your store is getting around and lots of people recognize your name and a little bit about your products, but few know in detail what you offer or your exact location. You’ve been in business almost twentyCulligan-Daktronics-LED-Message-Signs years!

Meanwhile, your stores’ brand new electronic message displays are working hard; working hard to capture the attention of all the people who pass your stores each day: broadcasting your story; advertising your promotions; leading buyers into the stores. You discovered from Holiday Signs that digital signs really work and should be part of your successful new marketing strategy.

As you turn off the coffee pot in the break room, you see reflections of the ever-changing full color LED lights from the display against the wall. You know that even though you’ve trimmed back advertising in other media this year, your messages are out there where it counts. Twenty-four hours a day right at your front door!


Contact a Project Manager about Digital Advertising at your Location!