There Are Oodles of Ways to Make a Sign



There Are Oodles of Ways to Make a Sign…Some Better, Some Worse…


wilton shop

Photo of a Shopping Center Sign being Fabricated in Our Chester, VA Shop.

  When it comes to making signs, there are definitely many ways to skin a cat! How you skin it, however, depends on many factors. Here are a few:


  • Distance Off The Road
  • Viewing Angle
  • Color/ Lighting Choices
  • Content
  • Zoning
  • Budget
  • Traffic Count
  • Height Above the Ground
  • Surrounding Architectural Features
  • Engineering Limitations

Push-Thru Graphics on an Illuminated Emergency Room Sign.



  There are many choices for signs, and it takes a professional sign company to help determine what’s best to adequately brand or advertise a commercial business. We help our clients make the best material and lighting choices and lead them around known problem areas that could arise when taking shortcuts.

  Certain situations may call for simple box cabinets or channel letters. Then there are applications where push thru letters, back-lighting, or open-faced neon signs may be the better option. For free-standing monument signs, fancy curved tops and brick, stone or stucco bases can add pizzazz. The coolest thing about custom electric signs is the sky’s the limit when it comes to neat effects!

  But the opposite of neat effects is not-so-neat effects. And as you look around, it’s easy to spot some signs that just don’t do a business justice in their current state.

Notice the dark area in the letter “R” I noticed on a retailer’s storefront today, caused by not having enough LED modules populating the letter.

  Driving through Central Virginia this week I noticed several electric signs that really need some help. LED lighting, when properly installed, does a great job in illuminating channel letters. Skimping on the density of LED modules or improperly mounting them inside the letters always has negative results. What do you notice in the example shown? LED lighting incorrectly mounted can make hot spots and even worse, not enough LED in letters makes dark spots as you can clearly see within the letter “R”.

  Take a look around you tonight and notice how many electric signs just don’t look that great. Lamps may be out; lighting may not be bright enough, or signs may appear discolored or too intense; designs of the signs themselves may need to be re-worked.

Bank Channel Letters on Brick.

  When you’re married to someone involved in the sign industry, it’s hard to escape critical sign design discussions during trips around town. I remember when my wife once thought signs just suddenly appeared, kind of like the stork and the baby concept, or the money tree example! The truth is, good signage takes planning and engineering to produce positive on-going and low-maintenance results.


Our Approach to Selling Signs:

Part 1- Image

Part 2- Budget

Part 3- Environment

Part 4- Viewing Distance & Sight Lines

Part 5- Prototypes & Demonstrations


Problems with LED Channel Letters, Problems with LED Lighting, Problems with Hot Spots or Dark Spots in LED Signs