Branding Signage Systems for Multiple Sites
Branding Signage Systems – Multiple Sites
Part 2, Virginia Farm Bureau’s Sign Program
Prior to taking over at the helm as President of Holiday Signs, owner Bob Morin had been the President and General Manager of AMF Bowling. One afternoon he received a call from a former colleague who was working with the Virginia Farm Bureau; fortunately for Bob, they had been working with a hodgepodge of sign vendors and brand consistency was almost non-existent. They needed consistent branding signage systems for multiple sites. That was 10 years ago and Holiday Signs has handled their sign program since that initial meeting. Farm Bureau is a national membership organization consisting of more than 5.5 million members in the US and Puerto Rico. They support their members through legislative lobbying, leadership programs, commodity associations, rural health programs, products, insurance and marketing. In Virginia they have more than 150,000 members and 88 branded branch locations.
Even though each state office is managed separately, they are able to receive the benefit of sharing resources from the national office for marketing and compliance. This promotes continuity and consistency in their branding.
With 88 locations and as many local jurisdictions throughout the state—each with different sign regulations—providing branding consistency can be quite a challenge. Holiday Signs developed a modular sign program and standard product list to fit the site-specific requirements. This provided the bureau with a streamlined ordering system so they were not required to re-invent the wheel every time they ordered a sign!
Their sign program now runs like a well-oiled machine. Holiday Signs provides everything from researching the sign code in each jurisdiction to manufacturing and installation.
The Virginia Farm Bureau understands the importance of localized marketing and they make sure their signs capture the attention of their local customer base. Typically located in many rural areas of Virginia, they utilize manual message boards to post localized communications on their signs. They have considered electronic messaging options, but are not convinced digital sign technology is consistent with most of their market.
Contact: Mark Hackley
Account Executive
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