Opting For Green Technology-Part 1: Buy Local to Reduce Carbon Footprint



Part One- Sustainability Considerations in the Early Stages of a Sign’s Life-Cycle


Normally when you think of sustainability and signs, electric power reduction in lighting first comes to mind. Over and above the usual LED lighting upgrades and considerations of solar power supply www-holidaysigns.com-richmond-fishersville-waynesboro-harrisonburg-roanoke-signs-sustainability-green-LEDalternatives, there are two basic elements of green signage that most buyers overlook:

  • buying local;
  • reducing the number of trips made to the site during signage production and installation.


One may never know how much dealing locally shrinks the carbon footprint! I’ve seen many sign buyers opt for products made out of state. Not only does this add cost and www.holidaysigns.com-fishersville-virginia-augusta-health-LED-awnings-backlit-hospital-wayfinding-signsincrease their chances for product damage and potential work delays, but it’s wasting valuable energy resources.

We encourage customers to let us facilitate creative ways to eliminate trips during the fabrication and installation process. Some greener suggestions could include:

  • manufacturing pre-assembled signs in our shop with faux brick, or stucco components rather than on-site excavation, masonry and stucco work;
  • engineering provisions for efficient sign maintenance (another keywww.holidaysigns.com-norfolk-portsmouth-virginiabeach-tidewater-newportnews-hampton-va-signage-LED-sustainable-architecture aspect of future cost control and energy reduction.)

If you consider simple sustainability options like fuel reduction in the early project stages, you’re well on your way to a greener sign project.


Don’t miss Part 2- Green Options for Neon Tube Lighting: Flexible LED


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 February 2014-Branding- Opting for Green Sign Technology