Sign Maintenance- How Long Should You Wait?


Part 1- Paint:

How Long Should You Wait?



It’s your image, so you can wait as long as you like. But do you really want to project a deteriorating look to your customers and prospects? Only the truly faithful may continue to do business with you if they compare you with others who actually take care of their buildings and grounds and signage.

How long should paint last? That depends on the quality of the paint which determines how well it can withstand the many environmental factors that affect paint durability in Virginia: humidity, salt air, road salt and temperature extremes, to name a few. Making an investment in high-quality paint will delay any paint failures on your signs.


3 common paint failures:

  • Peeling
  • Cracking
  • Chalking


The reasons a paint coating peels can stem from three main factors: poor surface preparation, inadequate curing conditions (cold or excessive moisture for instance), and inferior paint.


Cracking paint can be caused by many factors. Some of the most common reasons include not allowing enough dry time between coats, incorrect proportions of hardener mixtures, applications of heavy coats, or prolonged extreme sun exposure that breaks down finish over time.


Chalking occurs when the paint’s binder or pigment breaks down. Holiday Signs uses highly durable automotive-grade paint systems that utilize top-grade pigments to hinder the deteriorating effects of light. Lower-end coatings use lower-end pigments, which leads to chalking and color difference much sooner than you’d experience with high-end finish systems. any of your existing signs display hints of peeling, cracking or chalking, you shouldn’t delay in contacting a professional sign company for repair or replacement. Visually attractive branding is a must in any successful marketing program. It pays to allocate a little extra up front for quality materials the next time you need to make a lasting impression with exterior signage! 


Holiday Signs Service

(804) 796-9443


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