EMC’s- Best Way to Motivate Retail Shoppers in 2014
Perhaps an Electronic Message Center (EMC) is the best piece of capital equipment a retail business should consider for 2014.
Why? “Point-of-decision” marketing is a way retailers can restore declining revenue and improve sales of high-margin transactions. Here are some of the top reasons for serious EMC consideration:
- Improve the shopping experience of your customers
Attracting and retaining loyal customers is what effective marketing is all about. An EMC on your main ID sign can quickly relay to customers and potential customers your hours of operation, current sales, and how your products can make their lives better, simpler or more enjoyable.
- Increase how long your customers shop
By displaying a good reason to stop in, an EMC can increase a customer’s attention span in your store(s). Consider these figures from the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) in relating customer shopping times to spending in US shopping centers:
Time Spent Shopping / Amount Spent:
Less than 30 minutes- $50.90
31-60 minutes- $79.10
61-120 minutes- $126.70
121-180 minutes- $163.20
180+ minutes- $161.50
- Increase average purchase size
Every business knows the price tag of its average sale. Digital messaging can help retailers increase this number through a daily blitz of marketing messages pushing products of higher value. Add in the increased shopping time mentioned above plus your new ability to promote special sales items and watch your average purchase size zoom.
- Motivate shoppers to decrease the time they take deciding to buy
EMC’s allow you to digitally toot your own horn hundreds of times a day, meaning shoppers will be sold on your business or product before they walk through your front door!
After all this, please consider new electronic signage equipment in 2014 to reach your “front-door market.” Account managers at Holiday Signs are always available to help you assess ROI as you consider and compare the investment in an EMC with other capital equipment options that would make the most effective immediate and long-term impact for your business. Contact us today to fill in the blank of potential ROI for installing an EMC system at your store(s); It just may trump the equipment you had in mind for your next big purchase!
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