Signage for Theme Parks

Kings Dominion Success Story headerAlways in Need of the Spectacular Sign

Custom Signage for Theme Parks – Kings Dominion

Kings Dominion Success Story-Signage for Theme Parks

Holiday Signs helps this Virginia Theme Park attract & entertain visitors with custom electric signs.


  Kings Dominion is Central Virginia’s most exciting theme park, with over 50 rides, live family entertainment, a 19-acre water park and the largest collection of roller coasters on the East Coast.  They are constantly adding new attractions and upgrading existing ones and signage for these attractions is a big part of the park experience.

  “We’re in the entertainment business and our signs have to make a big splash,” says Steve Blissert, Manager of Signage & Graphics at Kings Dominion.


  “Holiday Signs does a great job of taking our conceptual 2-D art and it into spectacular 3-D sign installations,” he said, “and they almost always have to do it on a very tight time schedule.”

  “Holiday Signs is well-versed in working with lots of different sign materials and fabrication techniques, which is great for us because of the wide variety of signage needs that we have throughout the park.”

  Signage for theme parks is one of several industry niches that Holiday Signs has worked into over the years. Custom theater signage, and historic theater marquee restoration is another entertainment related specialty.

Contact Holiday Signs About a Custom Sign Project








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